Skeeter’s House from The Help Movie For Sale

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Here’s Skeeter’s House!

Skeeter’s House from The Help movie is a grand Prairie Style historic home. They filmed all the interior scenes for Skeeter’s House from inside this small stately home. I am excited to see Skeeter’s house for sale because I did a movie post on all the ladies houses from The Help movie ; Hilly Holbrook’s House, Elizabeth Leefolt’s, Celia Foote’s house, and of course Skeeter Phelan’s.

The house is at 613 River Rd in Greenwood, Mississippi and is on the market for $240,000. Not a bad price tag for a famous movie/historic home.

The listing says the house resides within the “Greenwood Historic District and is perhaps one of their finest examples of Prairie Style.”

Skeeter’s House from the Help movie is circa 1910. Five bedrooms and three baths. The home has a throwback street entrance like you’re walking back in time and a big shady wraparound porch.

Skeeter's House from The Help movie 613 River Rd Greenwood, MS for sale
The Help Movie - 613 River Rd Greenwod, MS for sale - large shady wraparound porch

I love wide wraparound porches big enough for a party.

Skeeters House from The Help - Front Door

A nice front door with beautiful glass side panels.

Skeeter from The Help movie scene

The Help movie has the glass side panels covered with white curtains in this scene with Skeeter Phelan played by Emma Stone.


The Help Movie 613 River Rd Greenwod, MS for sale - grand staircase
Staircase column Lady ornament - The real Skeeter House from The Help movie for sale in Greenwood, MS

The Help movie scenes:

The Help movie scene

I had no idea the light up figure on the stairway column in the movie was actually a statue of a lady with lights. She looks a lot bigger in the actual Skeeter House.

The Help movie scene inside Skeeters House

Charlotte Phelan played by Allison Janney in a scene featuring the grand stairway landing area.

the grand staircase in Skeeter's House The Help movie scene

The upper staircase landing is quite spacious. The scene from The Help movie showing room for a couch, table, lamp and armoire.


Skeeter's House from The Help Movie 613 River Rd Greenwod, MS for sale - dining room
Dining Room Skeeter's house in Greenwood MS for sale


Skeeter's House from The Help Movie 613 River Rd Greenwod, MS for sale - dining room
Skeeter's house The Help movie for sale in Greenwood MS - fireplace

KITCHEN: The listing for the kitchen says it has a “nostalgic butlers pantry and breakfast room.”

Kitchen inside the real Skeeter's House from The Help movie

The antique leaded glass windows have their own adornment and let in a lot of light.

Kitchen - Skeeters house from The Help movie 613 River Rd Greenwood MS for sale
Kitchen scene - The Help Movie

This looks like the same corner in the kitchen as just above where the movie staged early 60s Breeze laundry detergent.

BEDROOMS: We get a look at one of the five bedrooms that has this cute blue fireplace.

Bedroom fireplace - The Sketter House from The Help Movie
Skeeter's House is a stately Prairie style home for sale in Greenwood MS that has this grand historic style bed

BATHROOM: One of the three bathrooms.

One of the three bathrooms in the actual Skeeter's House from The Help movie that is for sale in Greenwood MS
Skeeter's Mom sitting at her dressing table movie scene The Help movie

Here’s Skeeter’s Mom sitting at her dressing table that fits perfectly with this bedroom it makes me wonder if it’s an original piece of furniture in the real house OR a stage piece for the movie set. Either way, we can see she is sitting in the real house in Greenwood, MS.

Skeeter's house for sale in Greenwood MS - one of the five bedrooms

The house has been on the market for a few months. Since it’s in the Historic District it likely has to be maintained in its original state. The grand historic style bed likely doesn’t come with the sale of the house but is a perfect fit for the bedroom decor.

Head over to Zillow if you want to see more about Skeeter’s House.

Experience a walk through the movie again and see all The Help Movie Houses and

Did you see The Descendants Movie Houses?

The Descendants Movie Houses Filming Locations, Photos

Thank you for making Housekaboodle part of your day. I enjoy hearing from my readers.

Sue - Housekaboodle

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