Letters To Juliet

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Letters To Juliet.  Sophie: “I think it’s a story worth telling.” Letters to Juliet is a nice romantic, drama movie to enjoy while getting your Tuscan taste buds wet.  The plot is Sophia finds a love letter behind a loose rock in a wall dedicated to Juliet Capulet and this begins Sophie’s  journey to help the letter’s author, Claire, find her long-lost love of her life.

My daughter Jacqueline is young and single and thinks this movie is AMAZING and even though we’ve both seen it before we watched it together again.  She likes cute boy, love interest to Sophie, Charlie.  There is letter writing in this movie and that is archaic in these days of electronic information, instant gratification.  Where have love letters gone and the pining for them to arrive in the mail?  Here are the words in the letter that Sophie wrote to Claire from the movie:

“‘What’ and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening
as words come. But put
them together side-by-side and they
have the power to haunt you for the
rest of your life: ‘What if?’…”

“I don’t know how your story ended.
But I know that if what you felt
then was love – true love – then
it’s never too late. If it was true
then, why wouldn’t it be true
now? You need only the courage to
follow your heart…”

“I don’t know what a love like that
feels like… a love to leave loved
ones for, a love to cross oceans
for… but I’d like to believe if I
ever felt it, I’d have the courage
to seize it. I hope you have the
courage to seize it, Claire. And if
you don’t, I hope one day that you

So love is just one reason my daughter liked the movie.  I liked it for this reason too, but also for the scenery and houses featured in the movie.  Like I said above, it wets your appetite for Tuscany.  You probably already knew I was going to say that since I am all about houses.

 Letters To Juliet

Just love the color washed wall and architecture.  So many balconies are seen in the Letter’s To Juliet movie.  This is Sophia’s “chef” fiance Victor (played by Gael Garcia Bernal)  Sophia and Victor are in Italy for a kind of pre-Honeymoon trip, but Victor is all about the food in Italy and ignores Sophia. 

Letters To Juliet

Lonely Sophia (played by Amanda Seyfried) spies the Casa Di Giulietta. which means Juliet’s House.  Casa Di Giulietta is located in Verona, Italy and where some of the filming took place.

Letters To Julie movie scene

The wall where the love letters are left to be answered.  Per Jerry Garrett, in real life the love letters are left here and they really are answered.

letter writing movie scene

The secretaries answering the letters movie scene.  This is a nice, busy, messy place to sit and answer letters.  In real life, on Valentine’s Day, prizes are awarded by the secretaries for the year’s best letters.  You can write one yourself and mail it in.

Letters To Juliet chair

What I liked about the nice, busy, messy place to sit and answer letters is the carved chairs.

Letters To Juliet scene

This is Italy and they are Italian, so it’s all about food.  The kitchen is almost, not quite, like an industrial kitchen and I loved it.  It made me think of my wonderful Italian friend who called before she came over one time and said: “Do you need anything?” and I said “No.”  But, little did I know that what she really meant was, Did I need her to stop and pick up any food for our sit-and-chat.  My friend tells me stories about all the cooking that went on at her house as she was growing up.  I like that about her and I like that about Italians.

movie scene

“Won’t you stay for dinner?”  Italians always want to feed you.  While watching the movie I was staring at the lamp and picture on the wall.

sign in movie Letters To Juliet

Wonderful sign with grapes, leaves, and scroll work.  Trattoria Lettere A Giulietta means Trattoria Letters To Juliet, and trattoria means small restaurant.  

Hole in wall

The love letter is found behind a loose rock after 50 years.  I am pondering how magical it would be to find something significant behind a loose rock.

Tuscan town movie scene

Sophia on the balcony of her hotel room scene shows the charm of Italy and makes me want to go there.

Claire Letters To Juliet

This is Claire (played by Vanessa Redgrave).  She decided to take a chance and try to find her long-lost love Lorenzo and her grandson Charlie (played by Christopher Egan) is hoping she does not get her heart broken along the way.

house in Letters To Juliet

So begins the journey to find Lorenzo.  This is the first house they stop at.  This is not the right Lorenzo, the Lorenzo of Claire’s lost love.

Letters To Juliet

The second house they stop at is not the right Lorenzo.

A villa near Verona Italy

The second home is Vila Arvedi near Verona, Italy.

Hotel scene Letters To Juliet

The Lorenzo seekers, Claire, Sophie, and Charlie stay at some nice hotels along the way and I fell in love with the wall paper from this scene in the movie.

Claire finds Lorenzo

At last they find Lorenzo and he does not disappoint.

Lorenzo's house

Lorenzo has the best house and the best family.

Letters To Juliet

See, best house!  If the actors in the movie would get out of the way we could get a better look.


Claire and Lorenzo get married at Lorenzo’s (best house).


But what of Sophie and Charlie, how did their love turn out?  If you’ve seen the movie you already know, but if you haven’t, I won’t spoil it for you.

After seeing this movie my daughter Jacqueline and I had a taste for something Italian.  We whipped up a nice salad to have along with a glass of wine.  I still have a taste for Tuscany, how about you?

Credits: Jerry Garrett, Letters To Juliet filming.

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