50s Retro Kitchens
Blast From The Past Retro Kitchens
Retro kitchens are hot tamales these days. Big to little appliances are all dressed up to be retro.
These appliances are available to buy to turn your kitchen retro just like Rachel Ray who has the blue BigChill refrigerator shown below that I like so much.
This post is a look at kitchens in retro. This is fun with a capital FUN and is a great change from the everyday look-a-like kitchens.

Rachel Ray is always so happy. I want the dolphin refrigerator magnet on the refrig behind her in this photo.
A famous kitchen easily recognized is Rachel Ray’s TV show kitchen. I could stay on task with this kitchen for this whole post. Her’s is a perky blast from the past kitchen. It’s full of energy like Rachel. Do you have Rachel Ray’s cookware in orange, yellow, green, or blue?
On to more blast from the past retro kitchens.

The bright steel table, chairs in dark mint green, yellow chandelier, and then red oven and red and white curtains make the cheeriest room.

This is the retro kitchen from the Real-life “Up” Movie house built in Harriman, Utah. You can see the story about that called Real-Life “UP” Movie House Sold + A Real House That Can Fly from a previous post I did.

Marvelous use of tile! Plus the lighting, black cabinets, and red retro stools. I would like to do a retro basement with a bar, booth, tabletop jukebox, and all the trimmings.

Original 1956 kitchen with gray steel cabinets, aqua countertops, and original flooring. This is per retrorenovation.com who states the cabinets were put up for sale and sold recently. It’s 50’s dreamy.

I am calling this the Dreamcicle kitchen that is really a light pink refrigerator and oven and baby blue and white kitchen cabinets. Yep, it’s a Dreamcicle retro kitchen come true.

Ideashomedesign retro kitchen. The table and chairs make me think of the Jetson’s cartoon.

Mad Men has a 50’s kitchen, but what kind is it? It is not the steel cabinets I think of from the 50’s. The cabinets seen here are the most similar to the western style cabinets below. I can’t leave this scene without saying how much I like the show Mad Men! Note the plaid pants that Betty Draper, played by Betty Francis, is wearing that match the plaid wallpaper.

This Mad Man comparison is via Mid Century Home Style that has galleries of rooms and houses from the past. I can’t look at this picture too long, it’s distressing to see the wallpaper on the ceiling!

1956 kitchen Via Mid Century Home Style. Big Chill could supply the refrigerator to get the look.

1956 Youngstown kitchen via Mid Century Home Style.

This is Big Chill’s blue and white kitchen.

The print design going down the table matching the chairs is so classic 50’s. A blast from the past trip down memory lane for some, and exciting new bright idea for others.

Kristie Alley’s kitchen from her cottage for sale in Maine is dressed up in 50’s style. You gotta see her cottage. It is simply amazing!

Talk about retro. This 1950’s advertisement about a drainboard kitchen countertop cracks me up!

♫ We’ve come a long way, baby to get where we’ve gotten to today! ♫
I hope you had fun looking back. Would you do a retro 50’s kitchen?
If you like 50s retro kitchens, check out Colored Kitchen and Laundry Appliances.