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15 Darling DIY Christmas Angels Featured on Hometalk!

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15 darling DIY Christmas Angels is my latest collection I clipped for a Hometalk project featuring DIY angels. For readers not familiar, Hometalk is a popular Home and Garden Hub.

As a member of Hometalk you can search for how-to projects from A to Z. Follow other home talkers, like their posts and create your own boards much in the way that Pinterest has boards. ย Hometalk takes it a step further and questions and discussions are encouraged to help solve problems and inspire others.

Lastly, if you’ve done a home improvement project or for example redesigned a bedroom, as a member you can post it on Hometalk and get feedback which is rewarding after working on a special home improvement project.

Now is a perfect time to get a jump on making Christmas ornaments. 15 darling DIY Christmas Angels is dedicated to just angels. Be sure to stop by throughout the season for the how-to and find your favorite. I am sure more angles will be added as this holiday season progresses.

15 Darling DIY Christmas Angels Featured on HomeTalk!

Take a look at the 15 darling DIY Christmas Angels. Which one is your favorite? Click the photo or link and you’ll land on my DIY Christmas Angels board where you’ll find even more angels.ย Once there, click any angel to see more photos of the project and get the tutorial.

I have to say I love them all. The silver Angel Tree Topper would stand out on any tree. The white feathered wings are all angel. Oh be sure to see more photos on the large wings above the mantel. Okay, you just have to see them ALL!

Last year we hung our Christmas Angels in the garden window with fishing line. The almost invisible fishing line made the angels appear to be hovering in the air or flying so I included them on the DIY Christmas Angels board too.

Are you on Hometalk? Leave me a link in comments so I can follow you there. Have a Christmas Angels project you did or know of one? I’d love to add it to the board too so leave that link too.

Hope to see you over on Hometalk. If you’re not a member yetย sign up! I promise you’ll be impressed with all the home improvement and gardening ideas.

Another project I curated for Hometalk on the blog is Gorgeous Garden Mirrors seen on Hometalk here.

When we complete our home improvement entryway project, I plan to add it to my Hometalk account too.

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