20 Fun House Design Ideas for Your Pets

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20 Fun House Design Ideas for Your Pets

These are 20 of my favorite pet-friendly house design ideas from Houzz.  I’d love a shower area just for our dog and I bet you would too. A special built-in feeding station in the kitchen or mudroom would be devine to have instead of sidestepping a dog or cat bowl on the floor.

Home builders know how much people love to share their home with pets. They have some great ideas how to design a pet-friendly home. If you’re an animal lover, there is nothing more satisfying as providing them with creature comforts. These are some fun house design ideas for your cat and dog. Built-in feeding centers. Creative cat and dog beds. Pet shower areas.  You won’t believe these amazing house design ideas for your dog and cat. Be sure to check them all out.

20 Fun House Design Ideas for Your Pets. Pet shower, ped beds, pet feeding stations - Housekaboodle

House design ideas for your pets- Feeding Stations

1. A double doggy eating area or dog on one side and cat on the other to keep the peace in this darling red kitchen island.

2. An ingenious pet-friendly eating kitchen shelf just for kitty or puppy.

Built in feeding station to feed your pets

3. A special built-in place for your pets to dine in style.

. High feeding station on the shelf above just so the dogs don't eat the cat's food.

4. Four built-in Fido bowls. High feeding station on the shelf above just so the dogs don’t eat the cat’s food.

Island with built-in pet feeding station. This one has special handles in the shape of dog treats.

5. Fido drawer handles likely open to reveal special treats.

Genius idea for tall dogs is this cutout at the end of a kitchen island with a standing feeder tucked inside the nook.

6. Genius idea for tall dogs is this cutout at the end of a kitchen island with a standing feeder tucked inside the nook.

House design ideas for your pets- Pet Showers

Pet shower big enough for two pooches to get pretty.

7. Pet shower big enough for two pooches to get pretty.

If you share your home with pets, the mudroom is the perfect spot for a gated pet shower and to store dog food, treats, leashes and blankets and towels.

8. If you share your home with pets, the mudroom is the perfect spot for a gated pet shower and to store dog food, treats, leashes and blankets and towels.

 Laundry room/doggy room with built in pet shower, bed and rug to relax on.

9. Laundry room/doggy room with built in pet shower, bed and rug to relax on. I’d be using the rug to blow dry my dog.

 Combination pet bed and little dog sink shower area in the laundry room
10. Combination pet bed and little dog sink shower area in the laundry room.

House design ideas for your pets- Pet Beds

House design ideas- Pet Beds. Pet-tastic house design idea is this pet bed island big enough for more than one pet.
11. Pet-tastic house design idea is this pet bed island big enough for more than one pet.
 Fun circular cutout cubbie hole that cats especially will love to cuddle up inside here.
12. Fun circular cutout cubbie hole that cats especially will love to cuddle up inside here.
Tucked under the stairs is the washer and raised dryer on a platform making room for a cat bed.

13 Tucked under the stairs is the washer and raised dryer on a platform making room for a cat bed.

Have a window seat? Cut out a little area underneath it to make a cat or dog bed area.

14. Have a window seat? Cut out a little area underneath it to make a cat or dog bed area.

 Peek-a-boo! I like the idea of a custom drawer built into the bed frame for a cat bed since our cat loves to sleep under the bed.

15. Peek-a-boo! I like the idea of a custom drawer built into the bed frame for a cat bed since our cat loves to sleep under the bed.

 Love this cottage-like cut out cat door just right for a cat bed or kitty litter box. So sweet!

16. Love this cottage-like cut out cat door just right for a cat bed or kitty litter box. So sweet!

 Tossing house design ideas aside, we can make our own super cute dog or cat bed out of a suitcase with a pillow and legs.

17. Tossing house design ideas aside, we can make our own super cute dog or cat bed out of a suitcase with a pillow and legs.

Must see adorable built-in dog crate framed like a mini-me house.

18. Adorable built-in dog crate framed like a mini-me house.

 For little dogs I love this doggy bed beside a bed idea that even has stairs to climb up and sleep beside their masters.

19. For little dogs I love this doggy bed beside a bed idea that even has stairs to climb up and sleep beside their masters.

House design ideas for your pets – Cat Walk!

 Fun cat walk house design ideas. This one made out of reclaimed barn boards. The boards have pieces of carpet attached to help a cat walk from plank to plank.

20. Fun catwalk made out of reclaimed barn boards. The boards have pieces of carpet attached to help a cat walk from plank to plank.

Resident Cavachon at Housekaboodle

Our resident Cavachon approves all of these pet-friendly house design ideas.

~ Thank you for your visits and comments that always make my day~

Sue on Housekaboodle

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