Glowing Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas and How-To Guide
My sister’s glowing Christmas tree and mantle decorating are meant to be seen by the world and I am happy she agreed to a Christmas home tour where she is sharing how she accomplishes some of her amazing Christmas decorating.
She and her family get a real tree each year now that the kids are older. May I present my sister Sandra who could easily be an interior decorator. My heart melts each year when I see her Christmas tree and I think yours will too. This is Part 1. Enjoy the show!
This is a real tree that is about 11 oar 12 feet tall. Of course an artificial tree can be used. Caution it must be a very strong tree to hold up all these lights.
Sandra, how do you get the lights to look so beautiful every year? How exactly do you do it?
First step is the lights. Start at the bottom of the tree. Wrap the lights around each branch starting near the trunk working you way out to the tip of each branch. Then, work your way back on the same branch or the one next to it, level by level around the tree until that level of branches are complete. Move up to the next level of branches at the trunk only. Never extend a string of light upwards unless you are at the trunk of the tree. This is so the following layer (steps) can be easily applied.
How many lights are there on this tree Sandra?
This year’s tree has 4,700 clear mini lights. The most I have done is about 5, 500.
Add Ribbon. I used Gold, Silve
Weave the ribbon through the branches in a wave-like pattern. Again, starting on the inside and working around the tree. You can move between levels as needed to create balance. Switch ribbon styles and colors to create balance as well. I don’t bring the ribbon out to the tips of the branches. This layer is an inside layer to this design.
Next add beads. I used clear and opaque clear strings of beads. These are shiny and create shimmer. They are hung in an overlapping pattern. Secure the string with a green twist tie or green wire. Hang from tips of the branch, let the string of beads drop without hitting any branches (so they hang freely and somewhat swing) and secure to another tip. Continue this top to bottom until you are happy with the look.
Start on the inside of the tree with basic glass balls. Gold and silver. I use tons of these! They create a lot of depth in the tree and with so many lights it helps the tree glisten. Then, add additional ornaments as usual. Gold, silve
There’s sweet Annabelle sleeping on a Christmas cloud of Comfort and Joy. Close up of some of the gold, silver, white, and clear ornaments.
Skirt the tree with whatever you like and a tree-topper of your choice. This year I went with a huge bow and lit it up with a small bulb and a snow skirt.
“Huge bow Christmas tree topper lit up with a small bulb.”
Sandra’s Christmas tree makes the magic of Christmas come alive.
If you liked Glowing Christmas tree decorating, on Sunday, December 23rd, when you have a minute to kick your feet up on the recliner, stop back for Christmas Mantle decorating ideas. I promise not to disappoint and for now…
See Part 2 of Glowing Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas and How-To Guide – The Mantle