Houses from Hurricane Sandy

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I love houses here on Housekaboodle and when I see the destruction from Hurricane Sandy I am as amazed and speechless. ย But, it’s the people living in the houses that made them homes, they are the devastated ones by what happened. ย We all know this. ย If it’s not happening to us then we can’t feel what they are going through, but can only watch in disbelief.

Where is everyone whose house has been destroyed staying right now? ย There are so many, many houses of destruction.

Hurricane Sandy streets of sandWhere will they live as time goes on, while they are waiting for their home to be rebuilt? ย It’s getting cold out and I am thinking that rebuilding will be slowed down due to the time of year.

I am thankful today for my running water, heat, and electricity. ย I can brush my teeth in the morning, do my laundry, make coffee, and sit on my couch and watch TV. ย For some people affected by Hurricane Sandy, maybe they can do some basic things someplace else, but it’s not in the place that is familiar to them where they feel the most comfortable, their home. ย 

Hurricane Sandy house fireThe hundreds of houses destroyed by fire.

Hurricane Sandy fire remainsOnly a fireplace is left standing.

Sand damage Hurricane SandyThe unexpected, unthinkable sand devastation.

Sand damage is inside the houseThe sand is not just in the street, it’s inside the house.

the destruction of Hurricane SandyThe flooding….

Hurricane Sandy destruction A house tossed off its foundation crashes into the neighbor’s house.

Hurricane Sandy house destructionA car hangs out of a window on the right.

flooding from Hurricane SandyA house surrounded by water looks like it might have a chance to be restored.

houses demolished Hurricane SandyThe debris that could be someone’s house broken into pieces like the hearts of every person who has lost their home.

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