Creative and Unique Kitchen Inspiration
Creative and Unique Kitchen Ideas
On Houzz there is a creative and unique kitchen design I want to share for inspiration. ย It is photographed by Shannon Malone.
The most creative and unique thing about it is the window seat smack-dab in the middle of the cabinets and then the tall windows.
Here is a close up of the window seat with pillows that I want to steal and showing pull-out type storage underneath. ย What do you think is stored there?
More pillows? ย Na.
Vases? ย Maybe.
Extra large pots and pans? ย A possibility.
Kitchen towels? ย
Pet food? ย What is your guess?
Per the story posted on Houzz , the cushions are coveredย in outdoor fabric because of the exposure to the sun. ย I think this would make them easy clean up for kitchen use too.
Some discussion on Houzz about the chairs reveals similar chairs canย be found at Target, Pier One, etc. ย I really like the X in the chairs and like chair pads with ties for their charm-factor. ย
The island counter-top is butcher block and matches the chairs and brings warmth to the room. ย I like the wood counter-top, but one thing always comes to my mind and that is sanitary conditions. ย Like I have a wood pull-out cutting board that I mainly use for bread, because I don’t want to have to think about bacteria harboring in theย crevassesย of the wood if I for example cut meat or vegetables on it. ย But, for a counter-top like the above I do know there are finishes on them that would combat bacteria situations. ย Houzz has some common sense instructions for caring for kitchen butcher block tops here, but I don’t want the extra work. ย I just want to spray my 409 or other cleaning product, clean the surface and be on my merry-maid way.
I see drawer pulls on the side of the island that must be drawers that are not very deep, but still would be handy for utensils, or the drawer pulls are fake and just for looks which would be a shame. ย The floor to ceiling cabinets wrapped around the refrigerator are impressive. ย And, a homey, family feel with all the photos on the refrigerator. ย I put photos and reminders on the refrigerator. ย It sometimes looks messy, but that’s a family kitchen to me.
This whole scene had me at the large sunflowers in the pail on the island.
Have a great day!
Credit for Kitchen to Houzz
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