
Pink Retro Kitchens

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For Valentine’s Day, here are pink retro kitchens old and new.  Trends have a way of coming back and retro kitchens are big business now.  Think of the Big Chill refrigerator company and their retro-look refrigerators or Elmira Stove Works that offer antique appliances and a stunning line of retro range colors called Northstar stating “Grandma never had it so good!”  Large kitchen appliances now come in eye-popping colors like pink.  Not only that, there are small pink appliances like Cuisinart’s pink coffee maker and pink toasters like I included in a Colored Kitchen and Laundry Appliances post.

Now, a modern kitchen decorating idea can include white kitchen cabinets, large pink appliances, a few smaller pink appliances scattered on the countertop, in addition to the walls being painted pink.  The kitchen is modern and not the cookie cutter design.  So move over stainless steel, you’re boring and safe.  For those who love color, appliance companies are now ready to deliver.  Let’s look at pink retro kitchen decorating and design ideas.

I think the colored appliances give a kitchen a fun vibe like this Elmira Stove Works. northstar_range_pink_lg

An original refurbished pink and white refrigerator that looks perfect sitting on the black and white tiled floor.

pink retro kitchen photo idea

Source: naivelittleunic0rns.tumblr.com via Mod Vintage Life on Pinterest


A pink retro kitchens type look decorated from the bygone era complete with a lady in a dress inserted who looks like she belongs there.  It’s a modern-day kitchen with a microwave.

It’s the real thing.  Pink kitchens old and new.  I think both are exciting kitchen designs for today.

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