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How To Make a Recessed Wainscoting Wall From Scratch

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Recessed Wainscoting Wall

I’m excited to say we’ve finished the recessed wainscoting wall. The last part of this project I shared was the DIY Transom Window Entryway Before and After.

We started this last project for the wall in much the same way as when we built the entryway. There are certainly many ways to make a wainscoting wall. A lot of techniques are complicated and can get expensive. The wall we built is simple and inexpensive. Total price: $83.00 plus paint that we already had.

Before and after. Ignore the front door that sticks out like a sore thumb now. I’ve known from the start that we’d need a new door. Pretty soon the door will be white with a beautiful decorative glass window.

Wainscoting wall Before and After - Housekaboodle

Jump straight to the wainscoting photos by clicking the below links. Watch the 3 How-To Videos.

Here’s a list of how we did the wainscoting project:

Drew pattern for DIY wainscoting wall - Housekaboodle

DRAW PATTERN ON THE WALL Humor me because I know it may be hard to see the pencil drawings on the wall and plywood below.

Drew pattern on birch plywood DIY waincot wall- Housekaboodle

DRAW THE SAME PATTERN ON THE BIRCH PLYWOOD We used a 1/2 inch 4×8 sheet of birch plywood.ย 

How to make a wainscot wall out of plywood - Housekaboodle

After making all the cuts we laidย out on the driveway and placed the molding pieces to make sure they fit.

Miter Cuts

Numbered moulding pieces for wainscot wall - Housekaboodle

An easy way to organize the miter cuts is to number each group. Here we’ve numbered them 1-4 to correlate with the openings. This made it super easy to grab and install, as you will see in the video below.

Make a half wall with moulding from scratch - Housekaboodle

Wainscot WallNailed and glued the recessed panel to the wall.

DIY Recessed Wainscoting Wall - Housekaboodle

NEW WAINSCOT WALL The fun part after painting was standing back and admiring our new white wall.

Wainscoting walls - Housekaboodle
Entryway After wall color is Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore- Housekaboodle wainscoting wall

We are really pleased with how it all turned out and happy to finally be done. The wall color is Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore.

Palladian Blue by Benjamin Moore - Housekaboodle

The next project is the front door.

A new fiberglass door with decorative glass is around $1200. Our DIY idea is to order just the glass window that is about $327.00, saving at least $800 dollars. I think I’m more excited about the door now than the entryway. The idea is to cut out the opening in the door and insert the decorative glass window and then paint the door white. So stay tuned.

That’s what is on our list. What’s on your list of to-dos?

It all started here:

Gray Paint Colors with Wood Trim

Dining Room Step One

Paint the Dining Room and Build an Entryway

DIY Transom Window Entryway Idea 

Build an Entryway

Entryway Before and After

Sue - Housekaboodle

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