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Amazing real life-sized Dollhouse

Blue Dollhouse - Arthur Dollhouse Kit by Greenleaf

My mind is flooded with fond memories of playing with a dollhouse when I see one like the below, and I have loads of happy memories of my daughter playing with dollhouses too. But….. 
Do you want to see a real life-sized dollhouse?  A serious and accomplished artist named Heather Benning made a life-sized dollhouse that I thought you would all love to see, and she kindly has allowed me to share it.

Real life sized Dollhouse original before structure


This is the original structure that Heather Benning found in 2005.  It occurs to me that if I saw this old broken down home, I would not think to turn it into a life-sized dollhouse, but oh, what a wonderful idea Heather had.  I love the internet for this because it lets us see things about people and life we might not otherwise ever know.

Real life dollhouse art


Heather Benning found this house as the Artist-In-Residence, in the small southeastern town of Redvers, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Inside the real life dollhouse kitchen before


The kitchen before.  Be patient… for the after photos so keep reading.

Dollhouse stairway before


 Stairs and living room before show the perfect stairs for a dollhouse in the making.  No wonder she was inspired.

the real-life dollhouse before


The demolition begins for the transformation of the house.

re-shingling the real life-sized dollhouse


Heather Benning recycled the shingles for the repair of the roof.

dollhouse project before photo


Bedroom was re-plastered

Real life-sized dollhouse


The exterior wall is removed just before wintertime.  It’s looking like a dollhouse now.  What she actually does is put plexiglass across it; how clever is that?

dollhouse living room after


After photos.  Living room.

dollhouse kitchen after photo


Kitchen after.  I notice the old phone hanging on the wall, the vinyl covered kitchen chair, and cheery yellow paint on the walls.

Real life-sized dollhouse


What are you thinking?!  It’s a thought-provoking, life-sized dollhouse, right?

Do you want to play in a real Life-sized dollhouse


Do you want to play in the life-sized dollhouse?  The rainbow puts a crown of glory on it.

Amazing real life-sized dollhouse


Behold!  What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you see this?

Be sure to visit Heather Benning, the artist of this creation, to see her other works.

Source of little blue house: bestpricetoys * Best Price Toys is no longer loading.

See Turquoise Barbie House for a pretend doll house I made up for the fun of it.

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