English Country House For Sale in Pacific Palisades California
English Country house for sale in Pacific Palisades, California is a fairytale casual, cozy home and yet is a multi-million dollar home for $12,995,000. It is not easy to be big and then charming and cozy at the same time. That is why I took to this English Country house. If I ever have the money to build a large home, it might just be like this one.
Pacific Palisades California is along the coast west of Los Angeles and Hollywood. The English Country house is actually an estate in the gated community of “prestigious Huntington Palisades” per the real estate listing details. No doubt plenty of people in this high-priced area can afford the 12 million. They might want to look at this lovely fairytale house to come home to after a long day.
Built in the early 1950s. Seven bedrooms and more than enough bathrooms.
Want your overnight guests out of the house? There’s a guest house for that complete with a fireplace to warm their spirits.
Step into this Pacific Palisades English Country house for sale.
This English Country house for sale is all set to sell. It is a golden, glowing invitation that says Welcome Home.
I am big, but adorably fairy tale-like I kind of blend with my surroundings.
I have big window seats, lots of fireplaces, and notice my unusual fireplace set at an angle. Hey kids, you could roller blade from room to room.
I call this a very comfy, cozy gathering place. Table is all set, let’s eat.
Or shall we dine formally…10 are invited to dinner.
English Country big overstuffed chairs and matching ottomans, soft colored rugs with ornate designs and a bookcase. Not to mention the ceiling..jeeze! I think I will stay awhile.
Who has a silky smooth chaise lounge in their bathroom..I do.
The children love it here and stay all day playing make-believe with my puppet house.
I am not sure if my pool house is a guest house or my guest house is a pool house, but your invited to come see me, buy me, and then I am all yours.
I’ve only shown some of the rooms, views, and exterior of the English Country beauty. You can zip over to Zillow or Trulia for more details or see the Listing Agent, Santiago Arana here.
Photos of English Country house for sale: Zillow and Trulia
Interesting that I now find out this was Larry David’s house per Hooked on Houses. You know him as the co-creator of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. This house has now been sold for $12 million.