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Montauk Beach House and a Cake

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Montauk Beach House and a Banana Cake To Go

I found a spectacular Montauk beach house that completely fooled me. As soon as I saw it I thought it was the Butler’s house on Showtime’s The Affair I just did the other day. If you missed that affair it is right here On Screen with Showtime’s The Affair Long Island Homes. You’ll want to catch up for sure if you are a fan or want to know about the show.

I was sure this was the very same house and at once amazed that the house seen on The Affair was now for sale.

It took me a few comparisons looks to realize that this Montauk beach house is not the same house seen on The Affair TV show. Darn it! 

Or is it? 

Montauk beach house for sale It’s a gorgeous custom home in Montauk which is where they filmed The Affair TV show so I thought…

Montauk house for sale - pooland it has a pool exactly like the pool at The Butler’s home.

CaptureCompare it to The Bruce Butler house above and the pool below as seen in The Affair. Tell me please you’re doing a double take too.

Long Island House waterfront scene The AffairThey’re twins! Of course, I quickly realized my folly and saw the difference between them. Schucks! Kind of fun to see twin houses though.

If you want to see inside the Montauk beach house beauty head to zillow and read all about it.

Now I know you’re wondering about the Cake To Go.

Today I shared a story about my trials and tribulations with a Banana Cake recipe on Sassy Townhouse Living. You may know Carolann of Sassy Townhouse Living. She reigned as queen for the day here in the Happy Home Tour sharing her home with us.

Go knock on her door and gain entrance first by reading all about my crazy Banana Cake recipe capers and then check out all her other news about gadgets, fashion, food, crafts, home and garden, plus she is a go-to tech wizard too and more!

Now head over to Sassy’s and read about my crazy Historical Cake Recipe

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