TV Houses in Commercials

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Oh yeah, my house-junkie mania continues with TV houses in Commercials today.  The television commercial starts with a happy song playing ♫ This is going to be the best day of my life 0oo-ooo-ooo ♫, while a bright blue moving van pulls up to a grey cape code with a Sold sign in the front yard.

I am slightly fixated with this happy commercial and I hate commercials with a passion.  Let us all bow our heads in thanks for fast-forward.

I am really good at tuning out ads on TV, but not this one with bright-colored TV houses.  Spring is coming and it is all I can do to keep from turning away from the screen.  I have to see the houses with white picket fences that reassures me spring is near with all its glory even though my yard is wet and soggy with patches of snow.

TV Houses in Commercials by Lowe'sOkay, I got that out of my system.  Here’s the opening scene of the commercial with a dull grey-colored Cape Cod house with new owners arriving.

House in Lowe's Commercial


Lowe's mom and daughter in commercialNew TV house owners Mom and daughter plant flowers in the window box.   Do you have a window to open like this and plant flowers?

Neighbor planting flowers - Lowe's CommercialNext door neighbor sees new Mom and daughter on the block planting and she has to get in on the action.  Now I am itching to start planting.

Lowe's commercial painting fence Dad and son paint the white picket fence.

022This Dad in the neighborhood starts to prunes the bushes as his wife …..

023plants a new little tree.  I admire any woman who can dig a hole to plant a tree.  I could do it, but it would take me  awhile.

024Everybody is outside working now since the new neighbors arrived, including this happy home owner scraping his porch railings.  I am getting tired now watching them do all this work, but I am humming along to the Best day of your life song.

026This is the best day of your life because you are painting your new house bright blue.  This commercial is making me want to paint my house, but I don’t think the song will follow me around playing as I paint.  Still…now I want to paint because everyone is happy and the paint job looks so good.  The TV house is painted an Easter egg blue!

027Further down the lane is Mr. Green house who is fixing his mailbox.

029Keeping up with the Jones is setting in.  Oddly enough Mr. Red house is fixing his mailbox too.

032New cape cod home owners on the block have done the most.  They planted flowers in the ground and in the window box, painted the house, installed dark blue shutters and it looks like they got a new door or painted it.  Plus, he is  also fixing the mailbox.  This is starting to look like Wisteria Lane on Desperate Housewives.

034and they added two new porch lanterns.

035Now it’s time to relax and meet all the new neighbors as “The best day of your life” song plays in the background.  Everyone got their home improvement to-do list done and no-doubt went to Lowe’s to get the supplies.

039This Lowe’s TV commercial wants us to “Never Stop Improving.”  They’ve got me convinced!

Easter Parade of Homes from last year has a TV commercial house at the end of the post to see.

All photos belong to Lowe’s.

Thanks for visiting.  What home improvement projects are you doing this spring?  If you want to share your project on Housekaboodle, contact me.

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