Futuro House
Futuro house, the house of the future that almost was. It’s a real house as if out of Disneyland’s Tomorrow land.
You gotta love a house from the past that looks like a UFO spotting. Imagine not knowing about this house and coming upon it while on a hike in the woods. At first glance, it’s a show stopper and a wonder.
Source: wikipedia.org/wikimedia commons
Source: Runder
Futuro homes are located all over the world, from Antarctica to Spain, the USA, and Taiwan. They were born in Finland in the 60s with the idea that our future would hold more leisure time and the Futuro house was portable so people could move it around with them as they traveled. –strange,weird,wonderful and cool bldgs.
Source: The Futuro House
Futuro houses are made of a fiberglass reinforced plastic derived from oil that was affordable back then. But, with the cost of oil going up (1970 oil crisis) the manufacturing of this new concept home was no longer affordable. It was a prefab home that was mass-produced and if ordered pre-assembled it would often be delivered by helicopter or by land transport and then assembled on site by bolting its 16 pieces together. –The Futuro House, Simon Robson.
Source: DMCTalk.org
Now, let’s take a step back to the future. The Futuro home was originally designed to be a ski cabin by Finnish architect, Matti Suuronen, for his client, Dr. Kaakko Hiidenkari, in 1968 who wanted it to be quick to heat and easy to build in rough terrain.
The above Futuro house is in Berlin. – wikimedia commons.
Source: facebook
Here is a view of inside seating that looks okay for a ski weekend, but to live in on a daily basis by my standards would be too confining seating-wise. Of course, redecorating is in order. We will need curved curtain rods to begin with…..
Source: facebook
The fireplace is in the center of the living room.
Source: facebook
The Futuro kitchen is smaller than small. In the world of tomorrow, that this was marketed for, we have a lot of leisure time and being in the kitchen is not a priority. I think my parent’s camper had a larger kitchen than this. I am looking at the dress the lady has on and I think in the 60s era this kind of dress was called a “shift dress” and is obviously also a mini-dress.
You can rent a Futuro house in Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin on Sumach Lake which is near Minocqua. It looks like they installed some nicer amenities than shown in the marketing photos above. Go to PodUpNorth.Com (now unavailable))to read all about how to have a family vacation in a Futuro house. I think the kids would love it!
See here for an extensive list of where Futuro houses are located around the world.
Take a wild ride and catch a look at The Wave House